
Meet Salima Samadzada: Sales & Marketing Star February 21, 2023

Company Role

Sales and Marketing Assistant

Favourite Quote

“You can’t buy happiness but you can buy tea, and that’s kind of the same thing.” – Uncle Iroh, Avatar

Top 3 Films/Books?

  • The Hobbit
  • The Alchemist
  • The Infernal Devices

What is something people in your industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

I’ve experienced first-hand how my father struggled to send money in this digitalised modern era, especially during Covid when stores had closed down. Since helping him, I have understood there are many just like him who face these challenges. This inspired me to help make money transfers more accessible and more straightforward to understand, in order for loved ones to stay connected and stable around the globe.

What do you do at RemitONE?

My role involves working with both sales and marketing teams, where I support marketing content, blog creation and more.

What are your credentials/experience for working in your position?

I graduated with a digital marketing degree and completed a one-year placement where I honed both my soft and technical skills and gained a deep understanding of the SEO industry. My position as a content and copywriter allowed me to convey text in a clear and concise manner whilst staying consistent with the brand tone. My past customer service experience also helped me build my confidence and communication skills, which are valuable assets to this role in order to understand customer needs and build strong relationships.

What do you like about working at RemitONE?

I love how tight-knit the team is and the organised but flat structure in place, which means it’s easy to approach and communicate with one another. The friendly environment adds to that, making it easy to ask for any help.

What are the values that drive you?

Creativity is a very important value to me. Coming up with new ideas and solutions can be the key to standing out and accelerating ahead of others. Teamwork is also another value I value as it’s a learning opportunity for me to see different viewpoints and bounce off each other’s ideas to allow us to have a more collaborative and enjoyable time.

Growth is a journey I’m always on – I’m always looking to build my skillset as there’s no end to learning. I’m motivated to grow my interpersonal skills to reach my absolute full potential.

What’s your background and what do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

You’ll find me reading books when I’m not at work, recently I’ve become a fan of audiobooks!

One of my biggest goals is to travel more to discover different landscapes and cultures. Some of the countries on my bucket list are; Italy, Japan, Jordan and New Zealand.

I also like spending time playing with my cat, you can admire his handsome face (Mashallah) in the image below.

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